What is fractionated coconut oil

What is Fractionated Coconut Oil?

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Fractionated Coconut Oil
  2. The Making of Fractionated Coconut Oil
  3. Comparing Fractionated and Normal Coconut Oil
  4. Advantages of Fractionated Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to Fractionated Coconut Oil

Fractionated coconut oil is a type of coconut oil that has had some of its long-chain fatty acids removed. The process results in an oil that is lighter and more easily absorbed into the skin, making it a common ingredient in beauty products.

The Making of Fractionated Coconut Oil

To produce fractionated coconut oil, normal coconut oil is processed through steam distillation. This method separates the long-chain fatty acids from the short-chain ones, resulting in a liquid oil that is bottled and sold as fractionated coconut oil.

Comparing Fractionated and Normal Coconut Oil

What sets fractionated coconut oil apart from traditional coconut oil? Firstly, fractionated coconut oil is a clear liquid, while normal coconut oil is solid. Secondly, fractionated coconut oil is lighter and more easily absorbed into the skin, making it a popular choice for beauty products. Conversely, normal coconut oil is often used for cooking and baking.

Advantages of Fractionated Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair

Why choose fractionated coconut oil for your skincare and hair care routine? Firstly, it provides deep hydration for dry skin and hair. Furthermore, it is non-greasy, so it won't leave a slippery film on your skin or weigh down your hair.

Fractionated coconut oil is also rich in antioxidants and fatty acids, making it a great option for improving the overall health of your skin and hair. It may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and strengthen hair, reducing breakage.


In conclusion, fractionated coconut oil is a lightweight and non-greasy oil with numerous benefits for the skin and hair. From hydration to reducing fine lines and strengthening hair, fractionated coconut oil is a great option to consider for your beauty routine. So why not give it a try and see the results for yourself?

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